ErcolinaMaszynySzlifierki i maszyny polerująceDUO


Multitask grinding machine Garboli DUO

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General information

Garboli DUO is an excellent choice for everyday grinding operations, especially if you have various types of material. The machine is able to process straight round tubes but also flat parts, which is a big advantage of this very reliable model. It is designed for sheet metal drum grinding of flat and square bars, profiles and steet metal. With different abrasive belts you can perform grinding, satin finishing and polishing of the parts.


You will get the wonderful decorative surface of the parts made of all type of materials: steel, stainless steel, aluminium, brass etc. The centreless device istalled on the machine allows to grind straight tubes as well. Quality of the round parts coming out of the machine is also perfect.

DUO can be equipped also with “wet” processing option, which allows to get even better result of the surface finishing. The width of the conveyor belt for flat pieces is 150 mm, the centreless unit is able to grind straight tubes up to 80 mm diameter.


Equipment on request

Centreless equipment for straight parts with round section

Equipment for Wet processing

Double abrasive belt cutting speed 8/16 mt./sec.

Technical data

D = 10-80 mm (3″ max)
L = 20-3000 mm

L = 10-150 mm
H = 1-100 mm
P = min.160 mm

S = 2000 mm
L = 150 mm

485 kg

1-10 m/min

H = 190 cm
P = 100 cm
L = 100 cm

4 kw 0,22 kw 0,1 kw 0,12 kw


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